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Sunday, February 22, 2004

Family party

Our Karen is 30 on the 23rd, so we had a family party at her house last night. I'm suffering now (hangover), but I had a really great time. It's nice when all the family get together.

I did go from hard of hearing to practically deaf the second I walked in the house, but the more drunk folk got, the louder they became, so I was able to hear more as the night went on. One funny moment was when a lad was slagging off the Welsh, and I responded IN Welsh. He was just trying to get out of it, when our Paula walked into the middle of it and caught the tail end,

"Don't you knock the Welsh here!" She said, hands on hips, breasts in war mode. Then launched into a torrent of Welsh herself.

The poor lad had his hands up and is now under the impression that our entire family are fluent in Welsh. Paula and I had a brief 'conversation' in Welsh as well. The fact that it was simply nonsensical Welsh words strung together is neither here nor there, when our audience had no Welsh at all.

I really had a good laugh there and enjoyed myself so much!

Then came back and sent a load of drunken e-mails to the Grove. Some of them even make sense!

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