A blog for her friends to check that she's still alive, when she's been missing for a while, and what she's whinging about now.

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Friday, March 19, 2004


I hate having to be so dependent on other people right now.

I've been really looking forward to the prospect of having an evening at FT Kate's, followed by the trip to Glastonbury with Juell and Cabochon; but things are getting more and more delayed.

Kate's just texted to say that Jim and Ian have been gone for two hours, at the supermarket, and she can't leave as they haven't got a key. Once they come back, they still have to cook and eat, before she comes right from Birmingham to my house - on the opposite side of the Black Country. She sounds tired and stressed; I feel in pain and stressed.

I'm stir crazy.

I need to go out tonight. I need this.

But when Kate said,
'If you're in pain, do you think it's the best idea to go to Glastonbury?'

I answered truthfully,
'I need it, I'm going stir crazy.'

She said, cheerfully,
'In that case, you'd better go.'

It's only since I've put the 'phone down that it's occurred to me that she might have been hoping I'd say no, because she's tired, fed up and probably fancies the prospect of driving all over here, then getting up at Stupid O'Clock like the rest of us fancy a hole in the head.

She's also agreed to go via Wolverhampton to pick things up from BS Kate for me.

I just hate this reliance; hate this pain; hate the fact that no-one's on messenger for me to cry over; hate being couped up here; and hate the fact that I allowed myself to get excited for an evening there, and it's going to happen very late now. I expected her late afternoon. I was going to text at half 4 to tell her not to come just yet, because of the rush hour; mainly in the hope that she'd say, 'too late, I'm at the bottom of your road'. It's now 20 past 8 and, as the lads aren't even back, it's going to be at least another hour.

Fed up.

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