A blog for her friends to check that she's still alive, when she's been missing for a while, and what she's whinging about now.

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Tuesday, May 25, 2004


Just after 10 past 1, I got hit with the biggest whack of energy known to humanity!

I was sitting there singing 'Country Feedback' in my head, 'I was central, I lost control, I lost myself...' and suddenly something hit the triskele on my back so hard I moved forward. It spread through me and all the things I'd achieved or pulled off went flooding through my head, like some mad slide-show. Within seconds it was finished, but 'KIN HELL!

Afterwards, I was just reeling, but standing tall. I've remembered my name.

It has to be a Grover. I didn't ask for energies and, on the contrary, I've been sending out this morning to my list of folk.

Note to self: Don't send when you badly need it yourself. Killing yourself helps no-one.

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