A blog for her friends to check that she's still alive, when she's been missing for a while, and what she's whinging about now.

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Thursday, June 17, 2004

Getting excited!

*bounce bounce bounce*

This time next week, I will have woken up in the Glastonbury Festival. *bounce bounce*

My excitement was bouncy enough BEFORE I went to the Delivery Office and picked up my Davy Lamp of a torch. I was well bouncy BEFORE FT Kate texted me to say, '4 more workdays and 7 more sleeps...' But she's wrong. Everyone knows that you don't count the day you're in, so it's only 3 more workdays and she's miscounted, it's only 6 more sleeps.

Then this:

And this:

And this:

And this:

OMG! I'm going back! I'm going back! I'm going back!

I'm going back THERE!

Mab the Overwhelmed

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