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Saturday, September 04, 2004


Georgia keeps trying to tell us that we're all ascending - us, the world, this plane, the Grove, everything. I actually agree with her. There are certainly some major changes underway in just about everything. We're none of us the same people we were a year ago, or even a few months ago. The trick is to keep calm and wait to see what kind of world we land in, once the dust has settled.

The Grove has certainly changed. I was looking at 'This Month in the Grove' yesterday, to the sort of things that were happening a month ago. I've sussed that it's difficult to follow the year through from the way I've set up the archives, so that's something I'll sort out today (it's easily done). As you look back to last October, the goings-on remind you of the feel of the Grove at the time. It's hard to put it in terms of better or worse, because it's just different. It's got the same family atmosphere, same friendliness, but there seems to be an innocence that's lost. This could well be me, because I'm not looking from a viewpoint which allows innocence, or it could be the void left by WM Mike.

What it has got now are a lot of people unafraid to share their opinions and to learn/teach openly. It's the Grove we were dreaming of in the past come to reality. That's a matter for pride. I'm also struck by the courage inherent in the place. Folk pushing themselves beyond themselves in order to do the things that they always dreamed of doing. As you work through 'This Month in the Grove', you find the achievements getting bigger - huge things happening - and you know damn well that the support of the Grove helped towards that.

This is all down to the members. We have such an amazing cohort in there now; so much experience, so many folk willing to share, so many willing to ask the questions. The question, 'what makes Witchgrove great?' will always solicit the answer, 'its members'.

But there is another element. Greatness will only thrive in the right conditions, just as sunflowers will only bloom in the right kind of soil, with the sun on it, and then will shed its seeds to grow many more. The conditions in which Witchgrove will thrive have been prepared and maintained by Cerr and the Mods, including myself. We are the gardeners, so I want to waffle about these people for a bit.

The Grove itself never sees, as I didn't before I was Mod, what happens behind the scenes. Yesterday, I was picturing what the Mods Lounge might look like right now. I got it to a lounge, where a table in the foreground has Anna leaning back in her chair, watching Roxanne and Georgia sitting with her at the table. Those two are in animated conversation, watching the Grove. We could all jump in at a moment's notice, but Roxanne and Georgia are the Mods of the hour right now.

Behind the table, in full view, there's a settee and Shonna on it, nursing her baby. She could stand and peer into the Grove quite easily and she's always up-to-date with what's going on. She's got the overview, ensuring that the right crops get planted and things aren't over-watered. But she's also got a baby to nurse, so the settee is more comfy than the chair up the table. From the settee's vantage point, it's also easier to look around the room.

Up the back, there is an open door, through which the sounds of the Kindly Ones arguing sometimes leaks through. In there, the Pontificator is handling things very well, though most of his helpers are around the Witchgrove table. Every so often, Anna or Georgia saunter through, or Shonna may wander through with the baby. A yell from in there will bring everyone running.

Against the back wall, in the Witchgrove Mods lounge, there is an armchair. It's back to the rest of the room, facing a big window. Right now, there's Mab in it - owner of Kindly Ones, moderator of Witchgrove - staring out at the clouds drifting by. It's ok, a moment's call would have her vaulting over the side or back of the said armchair, into Kindly Ones or up the Witchgrove table, but for now it's enough to let the voices drift...

"Shall I approve this one's membership, Shonna?"
"Not sure, there was a row over on my friend's group with that one flaming. Leave it and I'll write them later."
"This thread's getting a little political, I think I'll KO it."
"Yes, do, I've already had ten off-list complaints about it."
(Yelling through) "Ian, can you start talking about the Republican Convention in there, incoming."
"Oh no... she says that she posted on the Grove and no-one responded..."
"I responded!"
"I know... I know..."
"Oh! I've just been called a scanky whore and told to go fuck myself, because I refused their entry into the Grove. Looks like I chose right there then."

*grin* Sorry, I went off on one. I really should start writing more fiction, which is what I'm best at, rather than staring at clouds because I'm on enforced Sabbatical.

I think where I was heading is that until you've had your time up that table, you've got no idea of the amount of behind the scenes gardening that's done. The off-lists can sometimes equal the on-lists and the adage, 'You can please some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time' rings so true.

*raises a toast* To the omnipresent and wise Shonna; to the hardworking and under-rated Anna, Georgia and Roxanne; to the amazing Pontificating Ian, who largely shoulders the entire of Kindly Ones; and to clouds, which drift and make pictures.

LOL dammit I posted one and it wouldn't take....
OK in a nutshell, I think the reason we all work so well is that we're not all mods for themselves like you see on so many other lists - we work together - the great fun bit of your post was reading a sample conversation backstage in the mdos lounge LOL because we've had those conversations and *sigh* I so miss being called a skanky whore *snort* maybe I should write that kid again LOL
I just want you to know that I love you, Anna, Georgia and Roxanne and WG is what it is because of you lot - truly!
Blogger doesn't like me. It pre-maturely posted my Huzzah! I wonder if there's a pill for that.

Jo darling, I'm glad you have this forum for which to vent. Witchgrove will be fine. I promise.
Alright... I confess... it was my red hair dye that stained the bathroom sink.

I love you guys. Even the Skanky Whore.

I'd give my eyeteeth to see you girls smile everyday.

(why do people say that... eyeteeth... it sounds awful... i changed my mind)

Think one day we'll end up in a Hall of Fame somewhere? LOL

Yes, I know... breath... don't hold it. ;-)

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