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Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Overview for Me

On the basis that if you can see the overview, it's immediately less likely to send you into panic attack, here it is:



After CARD tomorrow and the Disability Workshop next week, all of my major things will be done this side of Christmas.


Two weeks ago, my 'to start' task-list alone had 79 items on it; now it has one. My 'in progress' task-list had about 20-odd items on it; now it has 7, one of which should be completed by mid-afternoon.

Since Vegas, I have organized, minuted etc nine meetings; eight major events (conferences etc); and one training day, plus got the newsletter out. In context, there's usually one major event per month and four or five meetings.

Witchgrove website


Several reviews and Andrea's weekly discussion - none of which I can upload until a) BS Kate sends me the former and b) Dani and Pixie give me the nod that it's ok to tat again.

Also half of Juell's photos for the gallery.


Since Vegas, I've transferred over 900 files from the old website to the new one. This is actually up-to-date (excepting those already mentioned in the outstanding part), as each time I've been given the all clear to up-date, I've attempted to empty my up-date folder.

Also, I've transferred 726 photos from the old site into the Coppermine Gallery.



9,000 words on the origins of Wicca

Longitudinal survey of beliefs/opinions concerning the origins of Wicca


6,000 words on the origins of Wicca in 38 days. Still managed to keep up the 'Year of...' even when I'd downed pens for a week... or two...


If I hadn't gone to Vegas, I might just have broken even in October, except the existing HPs. That situation couldn't have lasted though and I don't regret it one bit! Give me a time-machine and I'd go back for longer! *grin* Final tally for Vegas was £400, which isn't bad at all, considering where I went! (Checks Visa limit... yes, I've got room in there for another £400...)

Final tally for car was £325, MOT-ed, insured and breakdown cover. (With £160 outstanding for brakes and cam-cover and belt when I can afford it.)

Xmas and birthdays are nearly all covered. Just have about eight left to get, but three of those have price limits on them of £5 for three of them and £10 for one.

Currently: £860 in debt. It's been much, much worse. I'm not even going to tell myself when I'll be out of debt again, because it always gets so close and then just misses. I haven't regretted getting into it at all over the past couple of years. Also, come April, the HP will be gone and the student debt will be gone. Those can go into paying off the £860; and also Aud has lined up folk willing to pay me for tarot readings, which would bring it down to £660. Mind you, I haven't finished running it up yet.


Paid off about £6000 in two years.

Why do I get the feeling that anyone reading this blog will look at the achievements tally and start applauding, whereas I look at the outstanding tally and feel like shit?

So, overall... is all that good or bad? Just as confused as when I started! LOL Who's daft idea was this...?

But this is EXCELLENT!! Lists are fun, aren't they? :) Now that you have a long term goal written down all serious-like, the trick is to only look at that peripherally. Chop each goal into tiny bites spread over a day, a week, two weeks. Color code it if you need to. Don't look at me like that, I've got my colored pencils right here and can help if you want me to! Start with the green one... Then ONLY look at the little goals individually, like looking at each tree in a forest as you pass them by going up the mountain. Cross the items off one by one for a better sense of accomplishment - I like huge sharpie markers on my lists. I find if I look right at my long term goals and where I need to be within XXXX timeframe I get the Deer in Headlights effect and freeze right up. Having tiny steps helps keep me going. I hope this was helpful, and let me know when you'd like the next color...
The reviews are all coded.....but I'm not sending them to you until one of the others says I can!

*passes the pink lemonade*

Go Play!!!
Applauding. Stop beating yourself up - you have done heaps, and you know where you are going, which is even better.
{{{{{{{{{Andrea}}}}}}}}}} {{{{{{{{{{Kate}}}}}}}}}}} {{{{{{{{{{Louise}}}}}}}}}}}}

Thank you all for your comments. I'm feeling a lot happier right now, as I did manage to do everything on my task-list and more!

I'm also really looking forward to the New Year, when task-lists are a thing of the past and I can start living again.

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