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A blog for her friends to check that she's still alive, when she's been missing for a while, and what she's whinging about now.
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Tuesday, March 01, 2005
'I paid the union and as times got harder
I looked to the government to help a working man
But they bought prosperity down at the armoury'
There seems to be a recurring miners theme in my life right now. It's hardly surprising on one level, as it's the twentieth anniversary of the Miners' Strike, but some of it has been coincidence. For example, going out just now for a fag and seeing a coal train go up over the viaduct. I haven't seen one of those in years. It was empty.
On Saturday, Kate and I went out for the day. It was born of my whinging that I hadn't been anywhere outside the Black Country for months and I needed a holiday. I probably had Vegas in mind at the time, but realistically it was going to be a day trip. This was the first date that we were both free, but right up until the morning we were setting off, we didn't know where we were going. It was Kate's choice for the Big Pit, in Blaenafon, but I wasn't exactly adverse to that one. My gt-granny is from Blaenafon and I still have family there. The night before going up Kate's, I'd been working on my genealogy and discovered that practically every Hurle in the town is related to me and the rest probably are too, I just haven't found out where yet.
I've received a cheque in compensation for the crash I was in last year. It's paid off all my debts, though it's probably not worth the year of intense agony to get it! Of course, I'm still utterly confused when it comes to my finances, but I got that sorted last night. I just moved everything into another account and that left me with only my wages in this account. Hurrah! Now I understand what's what. I get so confused by money that's there, but isn't really (and vice versa). It really does have to be kept simple with me.
I've also made a list of things I want to buy and that wasn't as huge as I suspected. I might even be able to buy them with what's left over. *happy dance*
I am still crap at actually buying anything though. I stood there with a REM album in my hand for 10 minutes before giving up and replacing it on the shelf. I made up for it afterwards though, by buying a couple of Sandman, a couple of DVDs and a video.
I really need to get a decent night's sleep tonight. I haven't slept properly in days again and the staying awake has just got chemical.