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If you have five mins:
A blog for her friends to check that she's still alive, when she's been missing for a while, and what she's whinging about now.
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Sunday, April 24, 2005
'Your mind, your mind, is so full of it...'
~ 'Somebody to Love' by Jefferson Airplane
Rare moment here. I've slept - 11 hours last night - so for the first time in memory, I'm not half-exhausted, running on whatever there's to run on or imbibing something to run on.
I've been so behind on my e-mails. Ian said earlier, 'Why don't you just block delete them like I do?' I could... *smiles thinking of the conversation that Griselda Tello and I had about responsibilities, and that our responsibilities are only to survive and then only what we accept*...
During the course of last night and the 12 hours I've been awake today, those e-mails have involved a handfasting; an initiation; a Grandad at death's door, another two whose Grandad has just passed through, and now another whose father has passed through too; a possible pregnancy; a disappeared girl in Korea; a trip to Britain; a celebratory meal in Wolverhampton; a distressed daughter in London; a five-year-old's visit to Disneyland; three people who feel that they are losing their minds; a haunting; a recommendation (and conversation) about Pagan books which a publisher is considering reprinting; dyslexia and the Pagan academe; the deployment of a friend to Afghanistan and my cousin to Iraq; the birth of a daughter for one of the Kindly Ones; information about Fair Trade vital to a GCSE exam for another friend, and news about her future; and information I held vital for contacting a lawyer in Spain for another friend.
Some responsibilities I'm happy to accept. I'm a different person to who I was this time last year, or maybe more of the person from then. Much calmer, much less easily rattled, but also with far less patience and compassion with those who're just taking the piss.
I have an empty inbox, an empty Witchgrove folder and an empty Kindly Ones folder. How often can I say that?
What's really exciting is that there's a wench on Witchgrove, who Georgia's spoken really highly of, who says she'll teach me. *shivery grin and happy dance*
I'm off to bed with Pratchett's 'The Thief of Time' feeling very accomplished.