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Tuesday, August 10, 2004


It's become a cliche now 'Mab's busy'. It's a given, which just about everyone who's known me for more than two seconds just knows. I've come back off holiday/hanging with Georgia to find a couple of hundred e-mails in my inbox, most of which have words along the lines of 'I know you're busy, but...' 'Don't rush because this isn't urgent, but...' 'When you have a minute, would you mind...' As most of these are either things that literally only I can sort out or else quite serious situations, then I'm assuming that people must go through minor agonies before they judge it safe to e-mail me. They don't want to add to it.
I remember the look of surprise on a friend's face when she heard about my To Do list. It wasn't the existence of that which surprised her - everyone knows that exists - it was the fact that Cerr, Anna and Georgia all have access to it, as a safeguard against it overwhelming me.
Though it's pretty much taken as read that I'd be bored stupid if I had nothing to do, even I'm coming around to the idea that I might be doing too much. However, that's as far as I'd got. I did a quiz on Tickle - are you a Workaholic and here's the results:

Oh Joy...

I did attempt to slow down. Anna acted as an unpaid secretary and helped me empty a bursting inbox; Shonna had words which resulted in me being the Website Mod Only of Witchgrove; Georgia and Roxanne both did the counselling via e-mail. That's only the WG Mods side of things! You've also got Laura, Ian and Kate sitting me down with cups of tea sorting things in my head.

I went off to the Glastonbury Festival with everything done and me in a position to walk away from any one of my pies. I came back with a view to looking at everything I do and backing away from those things which no longer excite me or make me happy or which I no longer enjoy doing. Since then, I've walked away from precisely... nothing; and I've added the Wolverhampton Working Witches Guild, as well as monitoring the Pagan Headstone Campaign and conducting/evaluating/presenting a census on Witchgrove.

Something had to give months ago.

Now I'd better start co-operating with that. My heart's now missing two beats instead of the one it was missing a few months ago. I hear it when I lie down to sleep. I did myself a reading which had a pretty dodgy configuration of cards in it, then asked Roxanne for a second opinion. I'm waiting on that, but it may have come last night. My eyes were literally closing while doing a reading for Corey and I can't remember going to bed last night. I just know I woke up in bed this morning. Last night I found myself thinking on getting chemical help to maintain the energy for everything. I've got the precedent there...

Plus FtE has given me a talking to with brutal home truths, as only a Scorpio male can. I listened, whether I trust myself to act on what he was saying is a whole different kettle of fish.




slow down my girl, or your end up up not being able to do anything, Aud
Anything I can help you with? Give me your list. You have my phone number and a few other things.

Thanks ladies. I'm contemplating slowing down... just that my brakes have a loud noise on them.

Anna - I haven't got a 'To Do' list per se, it's more a case at looking at all the big things and working out which of them I can do properly. At the moment it's more a case of loudest thing wins and the rest gets dropped. Hence I haven't been near my MA work since I handed the last project in.

Well in that case, please let me know if you need anything.

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