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If you have five mins:
A blog for her friends to check that she's still alive, when she's been missing for a while, and what she's whinging about now.
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Tuesday, August 10, 2004
Slow down, take a deep breath, and RELAX! Has eating become a burden? Do you feel guilty when you have to take a bathroom break? Has it been so long since you've had a night off that you've forgotten what your friends look like? You need to shift out of high gear long enough to realize that you're running on empty! It's commendable that your job is so important to you. And your endurance and ambition are certainly admirable. But, where's the balance? Have you lost sight of your own needs because you're so focused on those of your company? In order to maximize productivity, you must have some balance in your life. Take some time out each day for YOU. It's healthy and necessary. If you are overworked, not only will your social and personal life suffer, but the quality of your work will suffer too. So, before you lose sight of what's important, take a step back and reassess your priorities. A successful career alone does not amount to a fulfilling life.
Oh Joy...
I did attempt to slow down. Anna acted as an unpaid secretary and helped me empty a bursting inbox; Shonna had words which resulted in me being the Website Mod Only of Witchgrove; Georgia and Roxanne both did the counselling via e-mail. That's only the WG Mods side of things! You've also got Laura, Ian and Kate sitting me down with cups of tea sorting things in my head.
I went off to the Glastonbury Festival with everything done and me in a position to walk away from any one of my pies. I came back with a view to looking at everything I do and backing away from those things which no longer excite me or make me happy or which I no longer enjoy doing. Since then, I've walked away from precisely... nothing; and I've added the Wolverhampton Working Witches Guild, as well as monitoring the Pagan Headstone Campaign and conducting/evaluating/presenting a census on Witchgrove.
Something had to give months ago.
Now I'd better start co-operating with that. My heart's now missing two beats instead of the one it was missing a few months ago. I hear it when I lie down to sleep. I did myself a reading which had a pretty dodgy configuration of cards in it, then asked Roxanne for a second opinion. I'm waiting on that, but it may have come last night. My eyes were literally closing while doing a reading for Corey and I can't remember going to bed last night. I just know I woke up in bed this morning. Last night I found myself thinking on getting chemical help to maintain the energy for everything. I've got the precedent there...
Plus FtE has given me a talking to with brutal home truths, as only a Scorpio male can. I listened, whether I trust myself to act on what he was saying is a whole different kettle of fish.
Anna - I haven't got a 'To Do' list per se, it's more a case at looking at all the big things and working out which of them I can do properly. At the moment it's more a case of loudest thing wins and the rest gets dropped. Hence I haven't been near my MA work since I handed the last project in.
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